A great start is to make your health your hobby. Get really excited about the idea of feeling better.
A great way to learn to just be is to try a yoga session. I have done both a class and a home DVD. My local library has Yoga DVDs to loan. That would be a great place to look. The results are the same as long as there are no interupptions. Last time I tried to do it at home, my kids were laying on the floor trying to talk to me. The relaxation did not kick in :)
I had a yoga instructor once who was great at teaching you had to check your posture and showing you how to breathe all the way to your belly.
My local library has Yoga DVDs to loan. That would be a great place to look.
One thing to know is Yoga is challenging. Stick with it for a month. I would recommend fitting it in twice a week. You will be amazed at the end of a month how much better you will feel.
Remember how important you are. Once you make small changes - you will start to see big improvements.
I love to hear from you! Feel free to email me anytime if you need me.
All the best,
Quote of the Day
"The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible. "- Richard M. DeVos
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