What can stop those wrapped up feelings? Do you have things that make you feel a little relaxed, maybe can even get you to laugh?When I am starting to feel pretty crummy or maybe even feel that Panic Monster creeping around, there are a few things that really make me feel better.It's really funny what simple things can really flip the switch, but it is very different for everyone. What do you love to do? What brings back great memories? Maybe gives you that cozy feeling?
The things that help me are:
· Lavender Lotion
· Funny shows on TV. I like Seinfeld, Frasier, and reruns of Love Boat & Dallas :)
· Taking a walk in the park
· Playing those online mindless video games
· Having my favorite dinner - Mexican!
· Calling one of my supportive friends
· A spa style bath
· Surprisingly - getting organized and cleaning out clutter helps get my mind off of how my body feels and keeps me focused on the task.
· Listening to my favorite music on my MP3
· Having a pot of Green Tea & reading a good book (sometimes it is hard to relax with this one if I am wound up)
Your mission today is to find a page in your journal and make a list of things you can do when you are having a rough day. Remember this is about changing your life pattern. It won't change overnight, but you will begin to see a big difference before long. Have Faith!Have you printed out the sheets for the daily healing journal? Find a great binder, one from the Garage is fine. Dust it off & let's get started. I am right here with you! Don't worry.1st page of your Binder should be The Contract for Freedom. Have you signed one yet? You can find that one here.Here is the link for the
Healing Journal. Don't want to waste ink & paper? We have them bundled up for you in the
Egg Shop & they are ready to ship to you today. Each book contains 31 sheets for the month, the contract & workout log.Keep me posted on how you are feeling or if you have any questions.
I love hearing from you!
Wishing you a peaceful day,
Quote of the Day
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change."
-Charles Darwin
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