Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Some Great Finds

I LOVE our Peeps! They are always on the lookout for great ideas to help us relax and feel better. I thought tonight I would send you a list of some of the recent ones we have talked about or emails that were sent to me. Keep them coming!

Peep JJ called in to tell us about TAZO Teas. I am a big fan of their products. They are available at most Grocery Stores, and served daily at Starbucks. Looking for a great treat during your Healing Hour, try the Zen Tea. My daughter and I often enjoy a pot of tea in the evening after a long day. I love the Awake Tea for a great alternative to coffee in the morning. Many flavors are caffeine free.

Peep Filigree called in this weekend to tell us that Yoga downloads are available for your MP3 on itunes. Today Patrice found a great website called Yogadownload.com . They have lots of 20 minute yoga sessions that you can download for free.

Trying to watch your carbs? Need some new recipes? lowcarbluxury.com has some great ones. All are available without charge. Terry's Cilantro Cream Chicken is a new family favorite at my house. Looking for help with reducing your carbs or want to understand more about it? Jimmy Moore has a great blog that you might find really interesting. You can see his posts at http://livinlavidalowcarb.com/blog/

Peep Melissa wanted to make sure we knew that The Secret book is available in movie form and is at Netflix.com, Blockbuster.com or available for purchased download at The Secret's Website.

Last week at my local Walgreen's drugstore they had a new house Epsom Salt with Lavender Oil already infused. What a great treat! Next time you need bath salts you might see if your drugstore also carries this.

Don't forget to stop by our forum and say hello and share ideas with other peeps. The forum has been quiet lately, we can all use each other's help.

Run across something you think we might like or would help? Email me anytime & I will share with everyone!

If you need a shoulder to lean on or a cheerleader, just drop me a note at amy@thehatchedegg.com

Have a great tomorrow!

All the best,

Quote of the Day

"The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible. "- Richard M. DeVos