Friday, May 1, 2009

Fitness Fever in May!

With all of the worries of Swine Flu around us, what better time to focus on our health!

This month I would love for us to really step-up our fitness. Do you have a plan already going? Time to commit and push it a little harder. Maybe even switch it up a few days a week. Our bodies get used to repetitive motion very quickly. Don't just walk everyday. Make sure you are doing some interval training, and maybe add some weights.

Remember you don't need a dollar to get moving. Even if you just turn on some music and boogie, you can really get a great workout. Get that heart rate up and get those "happy chemicals" moving in the right direction.

Need to be held accountable? Download the Workout Log today & commit to your workout days. I would love for you to move 3-4 days, I have planned workouts for me on 5-6 days. This keeps me on track & sane!!!!

Have any questions, feel free to email me anytime. I am here for you! Don't forget our weekly radio program is on tomorrow at 2:30 central. I would love to hear what's going on with you. Don't be nervous, we all help each other when we call in.

So lace up those sneakers & Get Moving!

All the best,

Quote of the Day

"Living a healthy lifestyle will only deprive you of poor health, lethargy, and fat."~Jill Johnson~