Friday, May 29, 2009

Don't Get Discouraged!

You know what is really hard? You are working so hard to regain your life and you have a meltdown or the world is knocking down your door.

It's really hard to stay on track when you feel beat & discouraged. All I can say is don't. On this journey you will have days that test your progress, times that make you feel like you are failing. Well, it's all about how you learn to handle these tests. Soon you will see the rewards for your hard work. A time that would have sent you into a spiral for days now lasts for an hour. You are able to breathe and push on through rather than panicking. You will feel your back straighten & the strength will begin to fill you up.

In the meantime keep up with all of your hard work, and stay focused!

Make sure you are working on:

Breathing to the belly

Feeding your body a nice clean diet

Fitting in daily Exercise

Working on those voices in your head with Journaling and moving the thoughts through

Feel true gratitude

Take time out for your Healing and Nesting times


See it's not so hard! It's all about building the steps to freedom. You will be loving life before long & everyone will what to know what happened to you. I have people surprised everyday that I was too afraid to leave my house three years ago. I wouldn't even make phone calls to people I didn't know. I am a new person, loving & living life.When these days come along, and they will, don't give up. Know that each one will bring you closer to your goal. Need a little help? Always feel free to drop me a note, I am here to help.

Hope today is one of the good days!

All the best,

Quote of the Day

"Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing. Use the pain as fuel, as a reminder of your strength." ~August Wilson