Friday, March 6, 2009

Yoga Does the Body Good

This exercise plan is not only for the hip and trendy. Yoga is a wonderful way to improve your posture and breathing techniques.

However, finding the right class or DVD is most important. For a while I was teased about my Yoga class that it was too "fluffy", so I invited my husband to participate in my class. I have to say that was a great time full of laughter as I watched my husband struggle through the class. I never heard another word about my yoga class again.

Many DVDs have programs based from beginner to advance & you can progress at your own pace. I decided to do the yoga class at my gym because it was away from home and I didn't get interrupted.

Finding the best fitness regimen is so important to changing the way you feel. But try yoga at least a few times, don't give up after the first time. You will be amazed at your relaxation and the health benefits.

Wishing you peaceful thoughts today,Amy

- 10 days no sugar for me!!! How are you doing? Have you joined the Great Sugar Free Challenge?

Quote of the Day

"The yoga mat is a good place to turn when talk therapy and antidepressants aren't enough." -Amy Weintraub