Saturday, January 17, 2009

Making the Decision

Lately I have been asked "How did I make the decision to work through my Anxiety" & "How did I get started". These are questions I have been asked often. So I decided that I might as well give you a little insight.

I have always been a nervous worrier. I think it comes from my parents, I see it in them a lot. When I was 31 I had my first Panic attack, a few months later they had escalated to two times a day.

I read an article once that said your body learns to adapt to handling stress. As it learns a new behavior and the stress increases, it will adapt to a new level. I did not want to go further into the Anxiety/Depression/Panic - I had enough!

As you have read on my site, I was afraid of everything. I tried hard not to let anyone know, but even that was getting hard. I tried quitting my job, changing my habits, and joining a church. I ended up going back to work a few months later when I realized that that did not make a difference.

I had a realization one night that I had put myself last in the list. I was not taking care of myself, busy pleasing everyone else and I was paying the price.

I made a commitment to work on taking care of my body with the thought that maybe my mind would follow. I had no plan, just a feeling that I would come out of this stronger than I started. I really believed it!

I started with getting rid of the sugar, caffeine & junk food. I ate more veggies & added in the supplements. I also started on my Gratitude Journal & giving myself 20 minutes at the end of the evening to unwind.

Then my husband suggested in a joking way that I should make my health my hobby. I became focused with my workouts & made a goal to run a 5K 6 months later. I did.

It's all about small changes & goals that add up to freedom. Don't go to fast, but get focused. Where do you want to be in 5 years? Do you want your children to go though the same situation you're in? They notice more than we realize.

I am so proud of you for looking for help. Don't forget that the Daily Healing Journal and Contract for freedom are available for download in the Egg Printables section.

Make that promise to love yourself! It's ok to be at the top of the list. Heal the body & the mind will follow!!!!

I am always available if you have any questions or need a shoulder to lean on. I know how you are feeling!

Wishing you peaceful thoughts today,

Quote of the Day
"Sometimes it's the smallest decisions
that can change your life forever."
Keri Russell