Saturday, January 3, 2009

Looking Toward the New Year!

8. Can You See It?
Happy New Year!!! As we look at the new year we need to focus on a few things if we really want to heal this next year. Get ready to leave the panic and anxiety behind!
Don't get overwhelmed - Don't work on everything at once these are only things to keep in the back of your mind! One Step at a Time.

Have you ever been to a psychic? Have they told you something that is about to happen, then it does? How about thinking of a friend that you haven't seen in years and within a day the phone rings, and it's them. Could be the law of attraction.

One of my favorite books is The Secret. It details the law of attraction - think it & it will become reality. I truly believe that our mind is so much more powerful than we realize.

I can remember talking to my husband about a job or a house and telling him that it would happen because I could see it. A few weeks ago we were at a Christmas Casino Night & we were trying to be silly about getting rid of our play money. I sad let's play The Law of Attraction. We placed our fake $3,000 on the roulette table on a single number & laughed. I saw the ball falling into the number in my head...guess what it did! We won a fake $45,000. We were laughing like crazy. Too bad I wasn't in Vegas!!

My point is if you see yourself as a happy person, as an organized person, as a controlled person you will be. If you picture yourself a mess, you always will be.
Now, there are a few ways you can Visualize. I personally use most of them.

1. You can create a visualization board. I have a small bulletin board next to my desk with images of what I want to achieve. A fit person, a smiling face, a relaxed woman, dollar bills, my family....

2. You can also paste your images on cardstock & place in the front of the binder with your Daily Healing Journal Pages.

3. Make a list of what kind of person you want to be. Trick is to see yourself today as this person even if you are not there yet. We are programming our brains. You can put this list on Your Daily Healing Journal, or in your Gratitude Journal - but write it out everyday!

3. Some nights when I am having a hard time sleeping I close my eyes and picture myself as I want to be. What I want to be doing, what I drive, etc. This helps me relax.

4. I was contacted by a company that has an online visualization board. They are offering two free weeks with their software & after that it's pretty reasonable. I have not tried this one yet, but you can take a look if that would be better. It looks pretty neat though!
Their address is:

You need to see this list everyday! You can even sneak pictures in your wallet to keep you on track.

My Mom really believes in her whole heart of the Law of Attraction. She was going to buy a car and she is a single woman and was having problems at the Dealership getting the car she wanted. She went everyday for 30 days and sat in the car she wanted. Most days she did not talk to anyone, she just sat in the car and imagined herself driving that car. They told her it was impossible to get that car for the price she wanted and so on. At the end of the 30 days it all worked itself out & she is driving that car today. And it was not the Dealership giving in in any way, just all worked out. She told me, I knew that car was mine...I could see it.

If you see your life panic free & anxiety free so be it!!!! Keep me posted on how this is working for you. I have started a forum thread...let us know your thoughts! I can't wait to hear what you Attract!!

Want to feel better? Commit to happiness & peace. Download the Daily Healing Journal in the Egg Printables to help you keep you on track.

Wishing you peaceful thoughts today,

Quote of the Day

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's comingattractions." Albert Einstein

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the LOA definitely works. My life is significantly better since I started applying the principles.