Friday, January 2, 2009

Looking Toward the New Year!

7. Move More
Happy New Year!!! As we look at the new year we need to focus on a few things if we really want to heal this next year. Get ready to leave the panic and anxiety behind!
Don't get overwhelmed - Don't work on everything at once these are only things to keep in the back of your mind! One Step at a Time.

Add More Movement into Your Day!
I never thought of myself as an active person. Truth is I was far from it. But when I was at my lowest point and my Doctor told me that exercise might help I was inspired. Actually that was the prescription she wrote for me - Eat like the healthiest person & exercise like crazy.

I started small, but it became a family mission to get healthy. My family joined a gym that week & I began my fitness journey. I soon realized that armed with an MP3 player & some alone time that it really helped give me a release in my day. I also realized that I am much stronger than I ever thought I was. That's very empowering!

Working out at home just does not work for me. I think that I have every DVD & fitness gear that has been made. It never fails that I am interrupted 20 times or the dishes are calling my name from the kitchen. I can think of all the things I should be doing. Put me in a gym and it is my personal escape.

I think something that really helped was sitting down and deciding where I wanted to be with my fitness, and knowing that it would change the way I feel on the inside. If this is possibly a chemical issue I was suffering from, maybe I could change it. That year I made a plan to run a 5K and I accomplished that.

This year my husband gave me 2 entry fees to the Livestrong 5K in Austin on October 24th. I am really excited about this one. I have focused on strength training this year & cut back on the running portion. But now I have a goal to finish this run. It gives me great focus.

Here is a funny story...I photoshopped myself on a "fit" body to remind me of what I could achieve. I have printed it out & placed it on my vision board. I look at it everyday & it reminds me that I want to be healthy and fit. I will never look like this, but it's kinda fun to imagine that I could achieve this.

Here's "my" image......

I have to say that the exercise has really helped reduce those nasty feelings. Think about having a panic attack - all you want to do is move. The more you move the better you feel. It's moving those chemicals around, bringing in more oxygen and releiving the tension. If we do that before the attack/feelings arrive, maybe they never will!

Other benefits of exercise are:

· Several studies have conclusively shown that regular exercise has a "tranquilizer effect" that decreases anxiety.

· Vigorous Exercise will ease the symptoms and severity of Anxiety.

· Will help bring back adrenal function.

Want to feel better? Commit to strengthen your body. Download the Daily Healing Journal in the Egg Printables to help you keep you on track.

Wishing you peaceful thoughts today,

Quote of the Day

"Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical,
emotional, and mental states." Carol Welch

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your idea for your vision board. I believe they work and personally turned mine into a vision movie and borrowed my New Year's Affirmation of "I have 1 Million Happy Customers" from above.