Thursday, November 13, 2008

You Can't Feel Guilty!

This is something that I really struggle with, it's Guilt. You could just question my decision and I am ready to change my mind. I have always been a people pleaser & it brings me great stress.

It is also very hard for me to treat myself the way I want to treat everyone else. I always feel that I should cut corners when it comes to my needs and just make do.

But you know what, it has only helped fuel my stress, anxiety, and depression. In April 2007 I made a vow to myself that I was going to take better care of myself. I picked up my workouts, set-up my vitamin regimen, purchased some new clothes & started taking time out for me.

Now, I still struggle with running myself ragged for the sake of others - but I feel healthy and strong. It's a work in progress.

Are you feeling guilty about moving yourself to the head of the list? You can't take babysteps, it doesn't have to cost money. Just do something for you everyday that makes you smile. Know that you deserve all the good things life has to offer - just like everyone else.

If you are using a gratitude journal, make a vow to yourself tonight - you are moving up the list! I'm proud of you!

Wishing you peaceful thoughts today,
"The more you love yourself, the better you perform." M. K. Soni