Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Feeling Like a Failure?

You forgot to take out the trash, your car is on flaming "E", your child forgot their lunch, their hair looks like a bird landed in it, and the electricity was shut off because you forgot to pay the bill. All you can do is sit in your car and weep. Sound familiar? It does to me because I have called my husband in tears more than a few times because I am just a mess!

Battling stress is hard enough but when you don't feel like you are gaining any ground it is so easy to give up. The world feels like it is about to swallow you up. But that's when you have to become a warrior and decide the small steps to gain control.

In my daily gratitude journal I like to list the things I am grateful for and at the bottom of the page I list the day's troubles. Out beside them I write how I could have done it differently. It gives me a petter perspective on my day & I am able to let those troubles go in the hopes that my day won't be like that again.

We would all like someone to swoop in and rescue us, I know I still wait for Superman to show up. The truth is we can only rely on ourselves. If we depend on others to do what we think they should do we are going to be very disappointed and even more stressed out.

My son is two and when he starts to pout we all tell him he needs a happy face, he reaches in my pocket and pulls out a pretend smile and puts it on. The fit is over and he has a wonderful big smile. Try it next time you feel sad pull out a happy face & then attack the problems in your journal. If we can realize what's not working it's easier to fix. It's easier to fix if we are not feeling like a failure. It's not failure it's just overwhelmed and stressed out.

You are doing a great job! You are here wanting a better life - you're on your way! We are so proud of all your hard work!

Wishing you peaceful thoughts today,

Quote of the Day
"There are no failures - just experiences and your reactions to them."
Tom Krause

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

This is really great! I sure can relate! at one time jounaling saved my sanity and pinpointed my enemy, those around me who were like poison to me. It was shocking but liberating just to realize I was NOT crazy. : ) flybabyevelina