Monday, August 18, 2008

The What Ifs......

Last night as I was in my bed trying to go to sleep, the What Ifs crept in. They always seem to show up about that time. The room is dark and quiet, the kids are in bed & it's time to dance around in my head and create all kinds of havoc.

However this time it was the source of an idea for my blog. What if the what ifs were not always bad? For me they have always been full of doom and gloom, never full of promise and hope. How hard could that be to switch it around?

So my focus this week is an experiment to try and get rid of those pesky creepy little what ifs and focus on the what ifs like a flower. They could all plant the seed to greatness.

I think of how those thoughts have brought such strife into my life. Think what I could accomplish if I didn't have to deal with that.

Do the What If Gremlins rule your thoughts too? This week I will blog all week about switching my thoughts. Stay tuned.......& let me know how your doing. Drop me a note about your what ifs, put "Gremlins" in the subject. Send your email to

Wishing you peaceful thoughts,