Friday, July 17, 2009

Running for your life?

Do you suffer from Panic Attacks?
If not you are lucky!

I can remember my first one like it was yesterday. It all started with a normal evening at home. I was actually ahead of my daily schedule and that evening I had given my dog a bath. I was pleased that I had made such head way. I crawled into bed & was watching TV when it felt as if someone had grabbed my heart and pulled & released it like a rubber band. That's when it really got bad for me. The back of my neck became hot, my chest was tight, I was scared out of my mind. My husband suggested that I was having a panic attack. I had never heard of one, much less experienced one. He got a glass of water for me. Meanwhile I felt I was on that edge of passing out, I felt very disconnected. I could not grasp what was happening to me. My arms and legs began to shake uncontrollably, I was so afraid something was wrong I didn't want an ambulance. That would be admitting something was really wrong. I probably should have.Finally after about an hour all my symptoms had stopped, but I was so terrified I did not sleep for the rest of the night. The next morning my husband had to make the doctor's appointment for me, I couldn't even talk about it without crying. My mom went with me to the doctor's office. They confirmed that I had a panic attack. They did blood work, an EKG & a referral for heart tests. I went and had an ultrasound and wore a heart monitor for 24 hours just to double check that I was OK. After that report was clean I was given a prescription for Zoloft & Xanex. My doctor told me "Good Luck". I was very upset!That night I sat in a chair looking at the prescriptions terrified. When you have panic and anxiety you are afraid of medicine. You are afraid of any changes in your body. I was also afraid of it changing who I was. I made a promise to myself that it all started for a reason and I was going to be on a mission to find out how to put an end to it.My panic attacks became more frequent long before they became better. I kept a journal & I tried everything thinking it would trigger them to stop. However, I learned that it is a life change that is necessary. That's what The Hatched Egg is all based upon.If you are suffering from panic attacks I will tell you they can go away. Maybe not tomorrow, but they will. You just have to make that same commitment that you are willing to do whatever it takes to feel better. This is all about you.Do you know the steps your panic attacks take? I know them so well. Best advice I was given was to know the pattern and don't be afraid. You almost have to egg them on. Know that you will not die & each one can make you stronger.My attacks usually consisted of feeling hot, numbness in my arms and legs, tingling in arms and legs, shaking, a tight chest, stomach upset, feeling out of control, feeling like I had gone crazy, disconnected. If you have any strange symptoms and have not been diagnosed with Panic Disorder, please see your doctor immediately to make sure that it is not something more serious. We want you happy & healthy.

Here are some great tips for those timeswhen you are in the midst of an attack.
· Keep moving (that way the sensations are less) I like to empty the dishwasher or dryer to get my mind off the feelings.

· Eat an apple. Keep plenty in the fridge. This keeps your mind and mouth busy.

· Drink a large glass of water & keep drinking!

· Try to relax

· Call a buddy. Find someone sympathetic to your needs that will reassure you that you are ok. They also need to be a good talker. My mom and friend Patrice were good at this. I could call any time of the day & tell them it was an attack and they would know how to handle me.

· Aromatherapy - Use a calming lotion on your arms and legs. Lavender is a great calming scent.· Know the pattern & flow with it. I know, easier said than done. But after a few you know when they are almost over. When you refuse to show fear, they seem to be less intense.

· I am always here for you. Drop me a note, it's great to know someone knows how you feel.I am sorry if you are experiencing these episodes, if you are not we are here if you ever do. Just know that you are not alone!

Wishing you peaceful thoughts today,

Quote of the Day

"The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature."~Anne Frank