Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Are You Following Your Thoughts?

Everyday our minds take us on a long and winding road through lots of different ideas, thoughts and emotions. Only problem is that you can't always believe your thoughts.

When that negative self-talk starts it's really so difficult to realize how we are damaging ourselves over and over again.

...I am all alone
...No one cares for me
...I did something to deserve this
...I am not worthy of love
...I will never feel better
& so on.

Sometimes those thought run across our minds to scare us. We are so creative that we can conjure up really scarry images in our minds that seem so real. I can watch the news and feel like the whole city is out to get me. Then I break it down and realize that I live in a gigantic city and the odds of anything happening to me are pretty slim.

The trick here is not to believe what you hear. Those thoughts want to keep your mind entertained with doom and gloom. The more we can pour the light in the better. As we talked about earlier in the week - make sure you are running down a list a few times a day of all your positive affirmations.

...I am really strong
...I have made great progress
...I am getting healthy
...I am safe
...I am loved
...I am needed
...I am not alone

You can even say these things to yourself when those negative thoughts are flying at you from every angle. It sounds nutty but talking out loud to yourself is a great tool. Just don't be shy. The bathroom mirror is a great listener :) & keep journaling. Just let your mind open and write anything you think of.

I am always here if you have any questions or need support. You can email me directly at

Wishing you all the best,

Quote of the Day

"What we think, we become." ~ Buddha