Thursday, April 16, 2009

Feeling a Little Tense?

How was today? Was your stress level low or was it a tough day and the stress was getting a little high? Feeling that tension & looking for a few ways to kick start that relaxation response?
Here are a few tricks I like to do when I am feeling tense.

Deep Belly Breathing
Make sure you are not breathing short shallow breaths or even holding your breath for long periods of time.

Take a deep breath in slowly and picture it filling up your entire torso. Should take about 10 seconds. Hold for a second & slowly release. The release should also be about 10 seconds. Repeat approx. 10 times or until you feel more relaxed.

Shoulder Shrugs

Gently lift your shoulders up to your ears and hold for a count of 5. Gently release. Repeat 3 times or until shoulders are relaxed.

Shoulder Rolls

Gently roll shoulders back and around in a circular motion 5 times & reverse direction for 5 more.

Make sure you are drinking water & eating small meals every 2-3 hours. That will help keep your blood sugar level.

Do you carry a journal with you? I carry a mini journal in my purse so that I can write down thoughts or start my gratitude list if my mind seems worried. Helps to keep the negative thoughts at bay.

I am always here for you if you need a shoulder to lean on, have questions or someone to celebrate with.

Wishing you a peaceful day,

Quote of the Day

"Most people never feel secure because they are always worried that they will lose their job, lose the money they already have, lose their spouse, lose their health, and so on. The only true security in life comes from knowing that every single day you are improving yourself in some way, that you are increasing the caliber of who you are and that you are valuable to your company, your friends, and your family."- Anthony Robbins