Monday, March 30, 2009

Bonus Egg Notes on Water

***Amy Here: After talking to our R.N. Patrice (Hatch into Health), she came up with more great thoughts on water. So today you are receiving blogs from both of us.

Hatch into Health -
Patrice McArthy, RN, BSN

It's important to remember that water is a nutrient. Water is the most essential of all nutrients. And although we might think feeling thirsty is the first sign of dehydration it is not. We may be up to 75% dehydrated before we feel thirst. Likewise, often when we think we're hungry it's really just thirst in disguise. This is why water is so helpful for weight loss and weight maintenance.

Our brains must keep hydrated to function. Because the brain is dependent on water it will find ways compensate for water loss. When the brain lacks water the body will seek to replenish it from other areas to do whatever it takes to provide the brain the hydration it needs. It is well known and documented that there is a correlation between water consumption and health and disease in the human body.

So it seems what we need to do is drink more water. But it's not that simple. Just as important is limiting beverages that deplete our bodies' water stores. Most of what we drink as Americans doesn't provide hydration at all. Drinking sodas for instance actually cause a loss of water in the body. If you drink a soft drink and feel you still need more you are in a never-ending cycle of craving hydration that cannot be met by soda. Your body is craving water. Likewise with such drinks as coffee, tea and any sugar-containing drinks.

I'll never forget one of the first elderly patients I had that was admitted to the hospital for dehydration. She was lifeless and poorly responsive. I assumed this was just her natural state as she came from a nursing home. I was off for the weekend and came back and she was out of the bed, sitting in a chair and talking!! I thought I was in the wrong room. Nope, I just learned what simple rehydration can do. It was truly remarkable. Of course by now I have seen this transformation countless times in my 13 year career.

We Peeps are entering our Healthy Eating Challenge month. The first step is water so we will be drinking up, right? Don't worry about those extra bathroom trips, your body will compensate some after time. Use these trips to remind yourself how your are nourishing your body and brain!

To Your Health,
Peep Patrice

"I never drink water. I'm afraid it will become habit-forming." - W.C. Fields