Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Roll with the Punches

Gotta Roll With the Punches!

Ever feel like no matter what you do everything seems to be flying at you faster than you can duck? I know I do.

I have found that what really helps me. I don't look at everything that's going wrong, I break it down into small things I can handle. If it's something I have no control over I often write about it in my journal to help get it out of my head. If it's something that I need to address I break it down on a list & handle one piece at a time. I can get easily overwhelmed.

My friends know that I will often give a Christmas ornament when they are facing a hard time, with a note that reads "It will be better by Christmas". No matter where you are in the year at least you have a vision point. It could be attached to any date. It helps open just a little bit of light.

Just know we will all hit the dark and trying times. If you want to be low stress, low anxiety, and happy - it's all about learning to handle those challenges.

Have other tips on how to handle everything coming at you? Come post a comment on our blog, we would love to hear from you.

Wishing you all the best,

***For our Peep Daniela, hang in there - one step at a time! :)

Quote of the Day

Thanks to our fellow Peep Giovanna for today's quote.

"Challenge is a dragon with a gift in its mouth... Tame the dragon and the gift is yours." - Noela Evans