Monday, February 9, 2009

Eggs Deserve the BEST

Hatch Into Health
with Patrice McArthy, R.N. B.S.N.

Eggs Deserve the BEST -
Professional Supplements ONLY Please - Part I

Okay Peeps, listen closely!

Some of you may be taking or considering taking vitamin supplements. To be sure, Amy and I wouldn't be enjoying our state of wellness without the supplements we take. But hear me now - this is some of the most important information I will ever impart upon you. You simply must pay attention! This topic is close to my heart and critical for you to understand.

I began my "natural" journey partly in nursing school. I found out quickly something quite sad about conventional medicine, but more importantly about my patients whose care I take VERY seriously. I am first and foremost my patients' advocate. I am their last line of defense in the hospital. What I do or do not do can have dire consequences for their health and well-being. I literally hold their lives in my hands.

What I discovered in my practice is something I almost hesitate to mention because it invokes fear. But it should not be news to you. I'm sure you've heard the news that up to 70,000 people lose their lives each year to medical mistakes. Scientific studies have proven this devastating fact. Thousands upon thousands have lost their lives or have been permanently harmed by medical errors, pharmaceuticals, or the adverse side effects of powerful prescription drugs - those very drugs the FDA "approved" and that make the pharmaceutical industry 200 BILLION DOLLARS in profits each year. And costs keep rising and rising fast.

I kept noticing people seemed to be getting SICKER not better! Why were my elderly patients on so many medications??? Were they really being helped? Were the physicians simply treating side effects and not the underlying cause of their problems? I was convinced that there was a better way and decided I wanted to practice "Wellcare" and not the traditional model of "Health Care" that we know of today in America.

When I began to have hypertension (high blood pressure), I wanted to try to heal myself naturally and stave off the possible inevitability of prescription medications. I knew I might need these important medications eventually but I wanted to try to heal naturally first. SO, my science brain went to work researching. If I was going to do this I didn't want to waste a dime of money or an ounce of energy taking ineffective stuff that didn't work. I wanted the good stuff. But who might know the BEST supplements to take? Well, at the time I was watching Dr. Phil and his Weight Loss Challenge. Not only is Dr. Phil a brilliant doctor, he is also the first to admit he's not always the utmost authority. When necessary he will FIND the experts to get him the outcome he desires. He is very competitive and wants his peeps to succeed! So I surfed around his site and found the company that treated his Challengers. I had to dig deep because he was not promoting them nor did he have any interest in this company. What I wanted and needed to see was the SCIENCE - the hardcore research that backed these products. When I inquired they informed me I needed a health care professional's referral. I told them I was a health care professional and they required I provide proof of my licensure. Once that happened I was allowed access to all their scientific studies and to their supplements as well. They were happy to share their knowledge, their experience and all that beautiful, irrefutable science! More about them later ...

Long story short(er) I went on their protocol for hypertension and my blood pressure improved in TWO WEEKS - and I mean dramatically improved! I couldn't believe it and had to keep rechecking to be sure. It may have happened even sooner but it was two weeks before I checked again. I was blown away. I learned that this company provides healthcare practitioners with highly effective supplements based first and foremost on scientific evidence and meticulous research. They are guaranteed safe and and backed by proof of their efficacy. IOW, they work, they work well, and they work fast.

On another blog I will expand upon this topic because there are many, MANY reasons to choose a professional brand. But for now I want you to consider what I've said. Myself and your Hatched Egg Amy are living proof of the superior results of professional products. Pharmaceutical grade nutrients, or "neutraceuticals" are what I will always recommend and use to treat my clients. The most expensive supplement you will ever buy is one that doesn't work!
To your wellness,

Comments or questions? Anytime for you, my Amy's peeps! Send a note to

**Side note from Amy: One day during a doctor visit I handed my Dr. a list of all my supplements. She was very happy. I told her my family thought I lost my mind. Her reply was "Think of all the copays and deductibles you save every year & you are so healthy". What a great stamp of approval & validation for the cost of my supplements. They have truly saved my life.
Quote of the Day

"Remove the word 'problem' from your vocabulary and replace it with 'challenge'. Life will suddenly become a lot more interesting and enjoyable."
