Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Supplement Plan

I have had a few questions recently about my supplement plan. So I am sending you the schedule that I am on. Supplements have really changed the way I feel & relived a lot of my symptoms. I do believe that a healthy diet, exercise & supplements were a major factor in my recovery. All are inexpensive and worth trying to see how you feel. Keep a journal on your journey - this will help you keep track of what is working for you.

If you do start a supplement program remember that this is not an overnight fix. Give it a good month to feel a change.

My plan is as follows:

Breakfast - with food:Multi, Cal/Mag, B Complex, Fish Oil

Morning before snack: Gaba

Lunch w/food: Multi, Cal/ Mag, Fish Oil, B Complex

Before snack 30 min: Gaba

Dinner: Multi, Cal/Mag, Fish Oil, NO B

Before Bed: 5-HTP (only take Gaba & 5-HTP if not on medication for anxiety & Depression)

I personally take the vitamins that you can find in the egg store. They are a good value and come straight to your door. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at amy@thehatchedegg.com - I am always available.

I want you happy and healthy. Please check with your doctor before starting a vitamin regimen. And if you are on medication please make sure there are no interactions with your doctor.

Wishing you peaceful thoughts today,

Quote of the Day

"A vitamin is a substance that makes you
ill if you don't eat it." Albert Szent-Gyorgyi