Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's Time to Unwind

The turkey is gone & most of us are probably done with our festivities for the day. Did you have a good time? Were you able to really enjoy it? What were you grateful for?

Now that it's time to unwind from all the preparations & festivities turn your focus back on yourself.

I am really happy that I am not working tomorrow & I ordered a few black Friday specials online today. We are not going to get up at 3am for the sales this year. I have been working for the last few months to stock up on my gifts. My family and I are going to stop by Starbucks and pick up coffee and wander around the stores to watch the madness. It sounds strange but we like to giggle at all the madness going on.

Tonight I am going to stay up and play games. It has been a long time since I just had fun online. There are some great games out there.

What could you do to relax? Don't forget we kick off gratitude journals on monday. Do you have a notebook yet, it doesn't have to be fancy.

Hope you had a great go relax! If your online tonight send we a twitter/IM or Email. I will be online late, and I would love to chat.

Wishing you peaceful thoughts today,

Quote of the Day
"Give your stress wings and let it fly away."

Carin Hartness