Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gaba & 5-HTP Would Go with Me on a Desert Island

You know the old question, "If you were to take 5 things on a desert island what would they be?" For me 2 of them would be Gaba and 5-HTP. These are 2 amazing products that I will never be without again. Lots of stress will deplete vitamin B, Gaba & serotonin very quickly.

Gaba - (gamma-aminobutyric acid)

Is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain.

Low levels of Gaba in the brain can cause Depression, Anxiety, Panic and Insomnia.

Studies also show that Gaba will go into the Adrenal Gland and help inhibit the firing of Adrenaline. For us with Adrenal Burnout this is especially important.

When I take it, it seems to make me feel relaxed like after a glass of wine without any buzz feeling. I just feel more relaxed and less aggravated.


First Important thing to say is that 5-HTP is not for those on MAOIs or Antidepressants.

5-HTP is made in the body from tryptophan and converted into serotonin.

An increase in serotonin will help in mood, and could ease the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Studies have also shown promise in the relief of pain, stiffness, and fatigue from fibromyalgia.

This is a great supplement before bed or in the early evening. Might help you fall asleep easier.

Make sure to try both at home to find how they will affect you. The only thing is they might make you a little drowsy.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but when I started taking Gaba and 5-HTP my panic attacks stopped. I was working on lots of different things, so I don't know what exactly stopped them. I was having up to 2 full blown panic attacks a day. I have been free for over a year.

Before adding supplements please check with your doctor. I am not one & I want you happy and healthy.

It takes lots of work to get back on track. If you need help keeping up with your nutrition, water, exercise & supplements - check out our daily journal page in the egg printables area on our site.

Wishing you peaceful thoughts today,

*The vitamins that I take myself are in the Egg Store. They are high quality at a great price. I just want to make it easy for you to find exactly what you need.

Quote of the Day
"If you don't do what's best for your body, you're the one who comes up on the short end."
Julius Erving